Monday, 30 November 2009

Unexplained Absenteeism

Apologies for not posting round these parts lately (although I see not very much has been happening in my absence). I have been settling into my new post - which has largely entailed making a mess of my office, working out how to use the photocopier for all important article-copying purposes (it is now broken, but this event has nothing to do with me), and finding the supply of coffee down the art history corridor. So not too shabby, then; I suppose I did do a couple of lectures and some seminars along the way, too. I also found the first case of plagiarism this academic year in my new institution - a dubious honour, indeed.

(The less said about the 'research' malarkey, the better, I think. I have good intentions, I promise.) I have also been exploring whole new worlds with regular study trips to places with large classics libraries in buildings with classically-inspired exteriors. Whole new worlds, indeed. (See, I have been doing research, it just hasn't materialised into anything cohesive yet. The ideas, they are amorphous, and in my head but not yet on the page.)

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